Gameplay beat structure

Game beats are used in a game levels development for the players to have 3 main points in a stage that keeps them interested,how this works is that you put in and tutorial scene in so the player knows what is going on and how to control the character so you do not have trouble following the story in the level after this scene has ended you go into some gameplay with AI’s fighting you so you get to grips with what is going on, after this you but in a scene with the main character or partner that helps you out with the story.All of this helps the pacing of the game in a way that I keeps you engaged in the story and level to keep you exploring and finding out what is going to happen in the story.


The III ACT structure in game level development  helps the story of a linear game with have different points added into it,to when you go throughout the game things happen to characters that you gain to like and keep you interested in the story , you must have this kind of structure in game level development because it keeps the pace of the story slow for interesting if anything big happens game players remember the scene that happened.


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